Blatant Lies: Customers who complain about the Game Breaking Bug on Playstation 3 will get the runaround from Electronic Arts Customer Service.His favorite foreign VA for the game is French Doviculus. Tim Schafer commented that he did not have direct control over who dubbed the game in different languages, and that there is an actor who voices "German Jack Black", one for "French Jack Black", "Spanish Jack Black" and so on. Bilingual Bonus: The voices can be changed to a variety of languages.Berserk Button: Never call Tim Schafer a liar on Twitter because of EA's Misaimed Marketing.Beauty Equals Goodness: The Titans are The Precursors, and are the strongest and most beautiful race of beings in the Age of Metal.The sound compels allies to fight harder, boosting attack power ( Double Teams can double in power). Battle Cry: When Eddie performs the Battle Cry solo, a golden aura forms into Lars's sword (also called Battle Cry), and bursts into a soundwave.Lita replaces her dead brother, and is the Queen of Bladehenge. Band Land: Albeit much less cute and innocent than most examples.Bait and Switch: Against the wishes of Double Fine, who were very proud of the Stage Battles.Badass Boast: "For the honor of Bladehenge, for the freedom of its people, and the glory.Also invoked every time a character uses a guitar. Many players expected one of these in the end and were taken by surprise. Autobots Rock Out: Subverted: considered a twist in the ending, Eddie never takes the spotlight, never performs a song at the end, and doesn't even seek the credit for his deeds.Atop a Mountain of Corpses: Eddie starts the game on one, and thinks it's awesome.Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: The reason for the Titans' disappearance from Earth.
Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: The Baron and Eddie, on how to deal with Metal Beasts:.As Ironheade you can only have one Rockcrusher, or as Drowning Doom you can only have three Brides. Also, you can only have a certain number of specific units. What that 40 Load points consists of is up to you. Arbitrary Headcount Limit: Every unit has a Load value.And Your Reward Is Clothes: Purchase the DLC, and you can change Eddie's clothing post game.And This Is For: Used during the penultimate boss fight.Check out his quote on the Hypercompetent Sidekick page. Yet he deliberately stays out of the spotlight. He can fix anything (except for Kabbage Boy's music), build anything, and start a revolution with nothing.
It's full of hilarious jokes and Lampshades things that don't make sense. It tells you everything about units, the world, and secrets. All There in the Manual: Not the paper manual, but the in game Tour Book.The crowd goes absolutely wild with joy, jumping, screaming, and throwing up horns. All Part of the Show: When Ormagöden is summoned in the game's opening scene, no-one seems to realize his suddenly appearing and killing the entire band isn't part of the show.Each playable character has the power to change the sky to be themed around them, causing different effects. Inspired by the popular works of Frank Frazetta, the sky's colors shifts all kinds of colors at all times, and at night, brilliant stars and evil looking nebulae shower the night sky. Alien Sky: Lots of work went into the skies of Brütal Legend, which is never ever clear blue.Affectionate Parody: Tim Schafer described Brutal Legend as "a love letter to metal." Special mention goes to Lionwhyte, who although is an Eighties Glam Rock stereotype, has some of the best metal and rock from that era, no matter how much people deny it.Action Girl: Every single female character in the game.

For literally all intents and purposes, it's a story that is neoclassical metal wish fulfillment, backed up by one hell of a soundtrack that encompasses pretty much all forms of metal.Ĭompare Metalocalypse, another Affectionate Parody of all things METAL.
Your average/The Ultimate roadie for your average Second Wave of American Tween Melodic Rap Metalcore band is transported to the Land of Metal, where he must teach humanity the ways of true metal to free us from enslavement by the demons of the Tainted Coil. It has a very dedicated and vocal fanbase. It provided yet another cult hit for Double Fine in their long history of cult hits, but received mixed reviews after its Development Hell ended. All the areas of the game are basically 1980s metal album covers, even. The game is noteworthy in being inspired by, and providing a ludicrous amounts of Special Guests, Shout Outs and references to just about everything metal. Brütal Legend is a heavy metal-themed Hack and Slash/ Real Time Strategy with light elements of driving and Rhythm Games, developed by Double Fine and published by Electronic Arts on Rocktofor the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.